TAM Progressive Web Application Installer

This will install the TAM Application, the TAM application is a 'Progressive Web Application (PWA)' which is a very light weight application, as it uses the phone's or tablet's web browser, rather than installing third party frameworks, which tend to be very large. Its size is measured in kilobytes not megabytes.
Future versions will be installed via 'app store' or 'play store'.

Progressive Web Applications have 2 parts:

Install a 'Service worker and cache', this allows the app to run off line. This is not mandatory, but useful.


The second is a manifest, that allows the app to be installed on the mobile's or tablet's home screen. It also turns off all the browsers navigation bars and allows the app to behave like a native application, plus defines the app's start page/entry point.

For some android devices and desktops the add to home screen button below can be used,
However this does not work in every version of systems out there nor on iPhones.

Otherwise the application has to be added to the desktop manually, see below.

For Apple systems, the application has to be installed on the home page manually.

Use this QR code to access this page via your camera or lens app.

chrome://serviceworker-internals/ chrome://apps/